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Tricep Tutorial 8/15/24

How do we load the Triceps in the lengthened position? The shortened position?In the video below you will see the elbow elevated with my hand driving away from my head in the direction of my shoulder joint. This is the fully lengthened position. Then I drop the elbow to the side of my torso and drive out, this is the […]

Advanced 3 part Bicep 7.0

1) Set the cables in the elevated position as shown in the first clip to load the fully shortened position of the biceps. 2) Position 2, drop the cables to the floor and continue with the curl in the medial state. 3) Flip around, now with your hands behind the torso and do a drag curl. Hands to armpits. This […]

Smith machine triceps extension

This might be the best triceps exercise I’ve ever done, courtesy of @hypertrophy coach: The key in the setup of this exercise is understanding while this may look like a close grip bench press, it is NOT!• I’m using pretty light weight for how strong I am, along with a resistance band looped under the bench because I need added […]

Bicep kettle bell curl/ straight bar

Do this superset as written below. 1) Heavy straight bar curl: 6-8 reps 2) Light kettle bell concentration curl:   Notice I’m fully bent over and grabbing the kettle bell by the handle (only 12.5 pounds) doing 8-10 curls, focusing on flexing my bicep as hard as I can on each rep. Keep the wrist straight when holding the kettle bell […]

Heavy kettle bell row combo

Heavy kettle bell row combo:1) 10 inclined Kbell rows        – 10 inclined KBELL shrugs        – 6 more rows        – 10 pull-ups 2) 8 inclined bench KBELL rows        – 8 inclined bench KBELL shrugs        – 5 more rows        – 10 pull-ups 3) 7 […]

Banded RDL’s

Banded RDL’s Using straight bar with thick band abide the knee, feet wider than shoulder width, perform an RDL. Think press the knees out– 5 sets 8-10 reps

Supinated cable chest press

Supinated cable chest press * This is the cable version of an underhand chest press. This is not a chest fly.Set the stability pad to lower back, must be a pad on lower back. Place feet out in front to force upright position.Set the cable handles to upper rib area. 1) Drive out with a fully supinated grip. Use power […]

Standing dual cable drag curl

Standing dual cable drag curl* set stability pad on the Lower back* Feet in front to force upright position* cable height set at knees* elbows behind torso, think curl hands to armpits. Do not bring the elbows forward. • 4 sets 10-12 reps, drop set until failure on final set