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Why aren’t you losing weight?

Some key factors why you are not losing as much bodyfat as you want or achieving the physique you desire: 1) Missing meals or starving the body. Everyday I hear a story about some women saying I’m only eating 600 calories and doing an hour of cardio and I cant lose any weight. No shit. You are starving the body […]

Dieting, weight loss, and the weight gain rebound effect!

Do you ever wonder why the majority of competitors/ fitness models gain so much weight in the few days after a show? Women often 20-25 pounds? Or maybe you dieted hard for a vacation/wedding etc and right after you immediately gained the weight back and it then took months to then lose it again?? I am going to try to […]

Building A Bigger Chest

My tips and techniques for building the chest you have always wanted… Women: Find a good plastic surgeon Men:1) Build your chest from the top down. The widest part of your pectoral is at the top. Arnold always talked about 70% of his workload being focused on the upper chest. Ever see Arnold do a decline press? Franco? Never! 2) […]

Seize The Day

Your life is nothing more than an in depth resume. On a resume you may have things you are proud of like degree’s awards, promotions as well as things you regret such as poor grades, work history, firings etc etc. Each day you add to that resume whether you like it or not. Some days it will be positive and […]

Living Lean Blog

Trying to get lean and stay lean year round?? Here are a couple of factors I would label as MOST IMPORTANT: 1) Consistency in your training. Going in spurts of hard training then backing off say come summer to party or vacation isn’t going to leave you with sustainable results. 2) DO NOT crash diet or become a cardio QUEEN. […]

Bicep Growth: Must Have Exercises You Probably Aren’t Doing

My good friend Jim Stoppani who wrote the Muscle and Fitness book on HIIT I was fortunate to be a part of, has put together some must have exercises that you probably are not doing which are crucial for bicep growth and development. 1: Behind the head cable curl 2: Prone inclined dumbell curl 3: Lying cable concentration curl or […]

Counting Macros

Why do people demand their macros be calculated for them? If doing 12 seconds of basic math is too difficult for you then what are the chances you will put in an hours worth of effort for a grueling workout?? Basic info people:Protein= 4 calories per gramCarbs= 4 calories per gramFats= 9 calories per gram So if you consume 100 […]

Legendary Booty Blog

Every woman wants to build a booty that builds our confidence rather than being a source of insecurity. Below I am going to outline my rules or booty comandments if you will to guarantee you lift, tighten and tone that derriere!!! 1) SQUAT, SQUAT, SQUAT: The absolute basis for building your legendary booty is the barbell squat. Using an athletic […]

Building The Butt And Legs You Desire

I was asked if I would do a fitness tip of the day on Building the Butt and Legs: 1) You can do all the bodyweight squats in the world or no weight stepups, and single leg kickbacks until you die. Without using weight you will not overload the glutes, hamstrings and quads with enough stress to force growth. Understand […]

Joe’s First Confessional 

Confessional time. Im going to share a true story below about 4 people in my life have ever heard.. I just got a very troubling email from a website member named Mathew. I’ll summarize his reason for reaching out. His company downsized and he lost his position at his job. 2 days later his girlfriend breaks up with him saying […]