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Cardio Fitness Tip

I see this at every gym I go to. People incline waking on a treadmill at 7-10% for 45 minutes holding into the handle bars not getting the results they want. Try setting the incline at 15% and clasping your hands behind your back. I bet 15-20 mins kicks your ass. “If something feels comfortable, you are doing it wrong” […]

Muscle Building Tip

Having a hard time building lean muscle? Consume liquid carbs around your training session. I consume 1/4 of my body weight in liquid carbs pre workout and then again post workout along with whey protein and 5 grams of creatine. Why liquid? They absorb faster and easier into the body. Eating food before a workout is never a good idea. […]

Muscle Building Tip

When doing pressing movements such as for chest, shoulders, legs etc. Do not lock out at the top of the rep. When you lockout on a dumbell press, shoulder press, hammer strength press, you take the stress off of the muscle and place it on the elbow. Same principle for things like leg press. Push the weight to full contraction […]

Cardio Tip

Do your cardio if you do cardio before your lift. Keep it short but intense. 12-15 mins max. It will serve as a warm up and get you sweating and ready to roll into your lift at full speed. Almost all of us take the exact same amount of time getting the body warmed up and loose when we lift. […]

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable”

Allow me to go into detail. It is human nature to self preserve. We shy away from things that are uncomfortable. From social situations, to studying hard, public speaking, trying something we are not good at etc etc. When you constantly live in fear, when you refuse to extend your comfort zone you are really not even living. Just killing […]

Nutrition Tip

Consuming a small amount of whey protein prior to a meal is a good way to normalize blood sugar metabolism & prevent insulin resistance, according to a 2013 study at the University of Toronto 

Motivation Tip

Calling it luck is an inferior minds way of rationalizing the fact that they did not have the mental strength and intestinal fortitude to try, endure and finish. Success, however you define it is not a product of luck. I won’t even simplify that it’s a product of hard work. Any fool can work hard. It is more about the […]

Building Better Forearms

Troubling growing your forearms? Screw all the wrist curls. Try this simple grueling move and feel a pump that will make them explode. Drape a towel over a chinup bar. Grab it and hang arms fully extended. Feet off the ground. Try 3 sets of just 60 seconds each holding your bodyweight. It is no joke!!

Defining Success

The first step in becoming successful is understanding the how and why we define success. Success and achievement are not synonymous… Far too often success is classified as an end state.As a finality, something conquered, attained and or owned.This is primarily because ones goals set them on a path with a singular focus on achievement and if reached we mistakenly […]

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy

Exercise does wonders during pregnancy. It boosts mood, improves sleep, and reduces pregnancy aches and pains. It helps prevent and treat gestational diabetes and may keep preeclampsia at bay. It prepares you for childbirth by strengthening muscles and building endurance, and makes it much easier to get back in shape after your baby’s born. Exercise is so beneficial during pregnancy […]