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Lower Abs Tip

Lower abdominals: This is a level 1 exercise meaning beginner, 3 being advanced. This is a reverse crunch on an incline bench set at about 30 degrees. The focus here is on the top half of the rep. Contrary to popular fitness myth doing things like knee raises, leg raises, v-ups etc do not work your lower abdominals. Your abs […]

Straight Arm Pulldown

Straight arm pulldown variation:I like to use a rope when doing this exercise rather than a straight bar. I find because I have to focus on keeping the rope handles spread as well as my lats contracted I get a greater pump and it forces me to control each rep at the bottom for max contraction. I also see a […]

Building Better Biceps

TIP #1: THREE TARGETS ARE BETTER THAN ONE Some guys think that in order to get full, round biceps they need to do the typical underhand curl until their arms fall off. But Sadik says that the way to the biggest peak is by working every area of the muscle. “Biceps are made up of three main parts – the […]

Building Mental Strength

No matter your current goals, you’re not going to improve your body without first strengthening your mind! Your thoughts ultimately control your actions, and it’s a strong mind that pushes us to eat right, train hard, and stick to a plan for the long haul. Even the greatest routines for nutrition, training, and supplementation will fail if you don’t have […]

Performing A Proper Squat

There is a reason squats are commonly referred to as the King of All Exercises. Simply put, you can’t half-ass it once you get under that bar. If you’re looking to build lower body size and strength, the squat should be the foundation of your program. Safety is the first consideration when doing squats. Use good equipment that won’t break […]

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!

I am Italian and therefore I love me some pasta. However I have utilized spaghetti squash as a healthier and lower calorie alternative over the past two years and let me tell you it is like having your cake and eating it too!! Tastes amazing!! Checkout my spaghetti squash recipes in the nutrition section. For a simple way to increase […]

Fighting The Holiday Fat

The Holidays are here, family parties, office parties, parties etc etc. These tips will help you avoid packing on the pounds during the Holidays… 1) Drink water before any party or family function. Drinking 4-5 glasses of water gives your stomach the illusion of feeling full and decreases your appetite. 2) Eat a heavy protein meal with veggies before you […]

Building Muscle & Losing Bodyfat

1) Go to the gym with a training plan. Record your reps, sets, weights each workout to ensure your progress week to week. You will not get stronger in every workout, but that does not mean your effort should lessen. 2) Heart rate monitors: While many use heart rate monitors to gauge how many calories they burn each workout, unfortunately […]