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Meal Frequency/Metabolism

So the question, then, is does more, smaller meals per day increases total energy expenditure over a 24-hour period than fewer, larger meals?Well, in an extensive review of literature , scientists at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research looked at scores of studies comparing the thermic effect of food in a wide variety of eating patterns, ranging from […]

Using offset grip to build bigger biceps 

Your biceps don’t just flex your elbow; they also are a supinator your forearm. So, if we want to achieve maximal biceps recruitment when performing bicep curls with either a dumbbell or cable, we must do so in a manner that involves both elbow flexion and forearm supination. This can be achieved by holding the handle in a unique way […]

Fat Burning Foods

Not all food is created equal. If your diet is comprised of mostly unnatural and overly processed food, then your body will respond by being sluggish and chubby. But if your diet is filled with whole, natural foods that are rich in protein and vital nutrients, your body will be energized, lean and muscular. Eating the right food makes all […]

Workout Recovery Protocol

Post workout recovery protocol:The truth is you should not be sore after every workout, you should not be sore after most of your workouts. That is a bad sign… In my opinion the most important part of your training regimen,  yet undervalued by so many… When I see posts of how sore people are from their workouts, my mind instantly […]

Green Tea Extract Dangerous?

Is green tea extract toxic to the liver? Green tea extract has been a very popular ingredient in the majority of fat burners and detox supplements for the past few years. A number of recent studies have identified a correlation between green tea extract and it’s toxicity to the liver… Green Tea Extract Toxic to the Liver​Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is […]

Proper Back Training Technique

This is what I mean about pulling shoulders first!! I’m obviously exaggerating here, but you see it’s essentially a two part motion. The weight first moves by me contracting my shoulder blades, then I pull.  A video demonstrating some of the points I illustrated in my earlier post about building a wider/thicker back.  As you can see in this video I first pull […]

Build A Wider Thicker Back

BUILD A WIDER, THICKER BACK!! Its a fact: a truly impressive back is about as rare as 5 foot NBA center or one hour of TV without the Kardashians. Why is that? For one reason, it seems that Monday is worldwide chest and biceps day in any gym on this planet. Motivation then quickly falls apart, the scheduled back day […]

5 Testosterone Building Foods

When it comes to everything that is male, testosterone is king. The ability to build muscle, burn fat and even have a satisfying sex life are all factors that are affected. Unfortunately testosterone levels start to decline at a steady rate after age 30. Worse, it seems that no matter what your age, men of all ages are experiencing much […]

Protein Myths Debunked

MYTH #1: You can only absorb ‘X’ grams of protein in one meal Not only is this myth not rooted in any kind of fact, it is actually a misnomer in and of itself. Absorption refers to the amount of a certain substance that makes it into circulation (plasma) from the digestive tract. The body will absorb a good portion […]

Neglecting Your Bicep Peak?

Are you fully training your arms? Most guys think they are but overlook a very important area of the arms – and neglecting this is a huge mistake, because when you build up this crucial area of your biceps it will add significant size and substance to your arms. What is this mystery muscle? The brachialis. The brachialis is a […]