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Tips for building a bad ass back: 1) Stop wearing a belt did things like squats and deadlifts. Unless of course you are a powerlifter. I see so many guys, mp competitors in particular with underdeveloped erector muscles (the two muscles in your lower back that connect into your glutes) because they constantly wear a belt when training. I can […]

Not Seeing The Results You Desire?

Not seeing the results you desire?Chances are your post workout supplementation is the issue….We do not grow in the gym, we grow outside of the gym in recovery from resistance training.However just taking a protein shake is not nearly enough to maximize lean muscle growth via mTOR activation and limiting myostatin function… Leucine Stimulates Post-workout Anabolism:-The consumption of leucine is […]

Is Your Multivitamin Killing You?

A MUST READ– from Dr. Michael J. Rudolph PH.D A healthy diet includes the correct amount of essential vitamins and minerals that sustain many important biochemical processes within the body, promoting normal bodily function and overall good health. Unfortunately, the modern diet is typically nutrient-deficient— meaning most people do not consume the daily requirement for many of these essential vitamins […]

Cardio Myth

Saying that you do the stair master for 45 mins everyday to make your butt bigger just baffles me… It is the equivalent to me handing you a 1/2 pound dumbbell and telling you to curl it for 45 minutes everyday. Do you think your bicep would grow or shrink?? LolYour bicep, due to the constant minimal tension and high […]

Protein Myths

So many emails and messages about protein myths. Apparently broscience is still strong on social media. Well here ya go guys and gals! Protein myths from our good friend Dr. Layne Norton!

To Beef Or Not To Beef

Beef has been an important part of the bodybuilder’s diet for decades, due to the fact that it’s loaded with muscle-building protein while also being a rich source of vitamins and minerals that are important for muscle growth. Some of these include the B vitamins, which provide energy for training by facilitating the conversion of food into energy1 and minerals such […]

You’re Doing HIIT WRONG!

Pay attention. Cause I see hundreds of posts each week people saying they do HIIT cardio where they sprint, or do stairmaster for 30,45, or even 60 seconds. That’s not HIIT. That’s not max effort interval. The best athletes on the planet cannot sprint flat out for even 15 seconds.So there is no way us regular people can double that. […]

Turn Unhealthy White Fat to Brown Fat and Burn More Calories and  Reduce Excess Body Fat

Brown fat is a vigorous topic of research as obesity continues to burden the United States public health system, and causes considerable distress to individuals across the world. With the recent classification of obesity as a “disease,” Medicaid and insurance coverage has expanded, which increases the allure for pharmaceutical corporations to develop obesity prevention and treatment options. Sometimes referred to […]

Green Tea Extract Toxic to the Liver

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol found in green tea extract that enhances the action of insulin, improves blood vessel health, lowers blood pressure and promotes weight loss. However, a study on mice from China and Rutgers University found that EGCG was toxic to the liver by reducing important antioxidants that protect it from free radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals […]


BY MICHAEL J. RUDOLPH, PH.DTUESDAY, 26 MAY, 2015 The branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) is an amino acid with a side-chain consisting of covalently linked carbon atoms that form a branch-like structure thus eliciting their name. There are the three BCAAs found in the body: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Supplementation with BCAAs has been very popular primarily because of the apparent ability of […]