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I call it the fuck the wall move cause most girls learned it from their favorite IG phony fitness hoe. •Stop pressing your hips forward as if squeezing your glutes at the top of the squat is doing anything. •It’s not and here is why. THERE IS ZERO HORIZONTAL RESISTANCE!!! •If you want to get technical with the biomechanics of […]

Stubborn Calves

Are calves a tough muscle to grow? Calves are one muscle group you can hammer everyday and they will grow fast. Start each workout with this superset. Do 10 rounds, takes about 8 minutes. No rest!! Standing calf raise (light) for a controlled 10 reps, hold peak contraction at top. Then jump off and do 10 quick raises just standing […]

Bicep Training Tip

Building biceps training tip: Seated simultaneous and alternating dumbbell curls using the @fatgripz and uppercut finishing technique.Uppercut technique: No it is not a technical term, just what I call it because it gives an easy visual when being verbally described. Anyways, the slight uppercut move at the top of the rep places added stress on the long head of the […]

Grow Your Chest

Adding in a thick resistance band to your hammer strength presses will take your chest development to a new level.Using progressive tension overload the repetition only gets harder as you cross the midway point towards the top of the rep. When doing traditional free weight presses the weight gets dramatically easier as you cross the midway point and move toward […]

Small Meal Myth Busted

“But my coach and trainer said it increases metabolism” 🙄🙄🙄Your coach & trainer are morons that were too lazy to get an education and find real jobs… #Repost @mindpumpsal・・・Boom fuckers. Another nail in the coffin for the myth of eating small meals. Not only is eating super frequently a waste of time…doesn’t build more muscle…doesn’t burn more fat…doesn’t improve athletic […]

Meatless Vegan Proteins

Vegan protein sources1) green peas2) quinoa3) nuts and nut butter4) beans5) chickpeas6) tofu7) edamame8) leafy greens9) hemp10) chia seeds11) sesame, sunflower and poppy seeds12) seitan13) non dairy milk14) unsweetened cocoa powder15) Oatmeal16) spinach17) broccoli18) almonds19) spirulina20) tahini21) chick peas22) eggs23) cottage cheese24) soy milk25) greek yogurt

Gluten Myth Exposed

But keep telling us you have gluten intolerance, regardless of every study proving it doesn’t exist. Oh you felt better when you stopped eating gluten?? Lol. Maybe it was the fodmaps, maybe you simply stopped eating so much processed crap 🙄🙄🙄

Alcohol Slowing Progress???

1) Alcohol Impedes Muscle Protein Synthesis     The anabolic response within muscle tissue is due to the difference in muscle protein and muscle protein breakdown, where higher levels of protein synthesis results in muscle growth. This anabolic response within muscle tissue can be significantly decreased by the consumption of excessive alcohol intake, which inhibits muscle protein synthesis and therefore muscle […]

Tilapia Worse For You Than A Doughnut?

Last weekend, my sister came into town out of the blue, and we went out to dinner to celebrate. She glanced at the menu and then put it down, saying, “I gotta eat healthy when I’m with you. I’ll have the tilapia.” Most people are shocked when they hear the truth about tilapia. After all, it’s fish. It’s supposed to […]