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Pressed For Time Lower Body Workout

30 minutes or less A) All 3 exercises back to back (no rest, 3 full rounds)1) 15 leg extensions2) 15 leg curls3) 15 reps of leg press B) All 3 exercises back to back (no rest, 4 full rounds)1) 15 seated to standing calf raises2) 12 Barbell squats3) Walking lunges 20 feet down and back no weigh

8 Week Mass Building Plan

Notes: This is an 8 week plan. You will do the listed rep schemes for a 2 week period, increasing in weight from weeks 1-2. Then you will drop the underlined exercises by 2 reps into the third week. For example you will do 4×12 bench press for 2 weeks. Then weeks 3-4 it drops to 4×10, weeks 5-6 it […]

Saturday Full Body Workout

1)– Inclined Dumbell alternating press 10 reps– Superset inclined chest flies 10 reps– Superset Dumbell hammer curls 10 reps each arm(4 sets) 60 seconds rest after completing all 3 exercises 2)– Wide grip lat pulldown 12 reps– Superset flat bench Dumbell press 10 reps– Rope curls 15 reps(4 sets) 60 seconds rest after completing all 3 exercises 3)– Wide grip […]

OUTSIDE 1000 rep HIIT workout

1) Active warmup -Jog 40 yards, slow jog back (thats your recovery) (10 reps) 2) 10 mins stretching 3) 20 mountain climbers, sprint 50 yards, jog back (10 reps) 4) 25 pushups, sprint 20 yards, jog back (20 reps) 5) 30 crunches hands across chest, sprint 100 yards (count 40 second rest) 10 reps 6) 200 yard gassers, (cones or […]

1,000 Rep Workout – 3

*Complete each 100 reps in as a few a sets as possible then move onto the next exercise.  *Goal time is 41-60 minutes 1) 100 pushups (use knees if needed) 2) 100 assisted chinups 3) 100 Squats with bar on shoulders 4) 100 Dumbell lateral raises 5) 100 Dumbell shoulder press 6) 100 Strait bar curls 7) 100 Bench dips […]

1,000 Rep Workout – 2

*Complete each 100 reps in as a few a sets as possible then move onto the next exercise.  *Goal time is 41-60 minutes 1) 100 pushups (use knees if needed) 2) 100 chinups (do assisted if needed) 3) 100 dips (do assisted if needed) 4) 100 Barbell squats (women use the bar, Men-135 pounds) 5) 100 bench stepups (women use […]

1,000 Rep Workout – 1

*Complete each 100 reps in as a few a sets as possible then move onto the next exercise.  *Goal time is 41-60 minutes Weighted pull-ups-100 reps Weighted dips-100 reps Squats (95-135 lbs)-100 reps Toes 2 bars-100 reps Ring pull-ups-100 reps Ab wheels-100 reps Bodyweight skulls-100 reps Pop ups-100 reps (start on your knees & jump in to a squat position) […]

1500 Rep Workout – 2

Complete each 150 reps in as few sets as possible as fast as possible Goal time (79 minutes) 1) 150 pushups 2) 150 standing squats 3) 150 dips 4) 150 rope curls (rope attached to low pulley) 5) 150 reps on bench press 6) 150 assisted chinups 7) 150 barbell squats using your bodyweight (I weigh 245, so thats the […]

1500 Rep Workout – 1

Choose 1 For Saturday Daily Trainer: 1500 Rep Workout Complete each 150 reps in as few sets as possible in as little time as possible.. 1) 150 bodyweight squats 2) 150 pushups (use knees if needed) 3) 150 ab wheels 4) 150 lateral raises with bands or light dumbells 5) 150 assisted chinups 6) 150 low box jumps, think speed […]

600 Series Workout

Remember – As always we highly recommend stretching before EVERY workout, including an active warmup and using a spotter. We stand by everything on this site but Joey D Fitness will not be held responsible for injury and everything is at your own risk! Week 1 Chest: 1)5×20 cable chest flies, 45 seconds between each set 2) Incline bench press 4×25, […]