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Women’s At Home HIIT

Here is a great at home HIIT workout.All you need is a jump rope, a little open space and 20 minutes of free time. 1)– 1 minute jump rope– 15 lunges each leg(5 sets) 2)– 30 second fast jump rope– 30 body weight squats(5 sets) 3)– 1 minute jump rope– 10 burpees(5 sets) 4)– 1 minute jump rope– 25 crunches(5 […]

Max Fat Burn HIIT

✋ I fully admit I did not want to do this today. Fully admit the stress of the week, the extra hours, the travel, left a whooping on my energy levels this afternoon, after my lifting session this morning. I fully admit I threw myself a 4 minute pity party allowing mental weakness to infect my mind and lead me […]

Advanced Jump Rope/Sprint HIIT

1) 45 second jump rope, jog 30 yards 50%, return at 75%. (8 reps)/🍩🍩/2) 40 yard sprint (max effort), slow jog back to start (active recovery) (8 reps)/🍩🍩/3) Jump rope double spins 25 seconds, jog out 30 yards. Place hand on line, sprint back to start (max effort) (8 reps)/🍩🍩/4) 75 yard sprints (40 seconds rest between) (5 reps)/🍩🍩/5) 50 […]

Indoor HIIT/Workout

This is an indoor HIIT workout anyone can do. On rainy days I do this in my garage. 20 mins and it’s an incredible fat burn. 1)15 squat jumps (land in squat to protect knees)30 seconds rest, 4 sets. 2) 20 lunge jumps (30 seconds rest, 4 sets) 3) 100 jumping jacks (2 sets) 4) 15 down ups (3 sets)

Weekend HIIT – 3/30/2015

Saturday night/ Sunday LOSER 🙋 workout 1) 10×30 yard sprint, lunge walk back to start 2) 10×50 yard sprint, fast back pedal to start 3) 15 clap push-ups, jump up, sprint 20, drop down, 25 diamond grip push-ups, sprint 20. That’s one set. Turn around, repeat, 10 sets. 4) Sprint 15, touch cone, immediate return to start, drop down, 25 […]

Ultimate 2 Part Workout

Going to catch me? 😜Goodluck!You’re going to need it!! Ok all jokes aside, let’s get after this kids!! #catchJDworkout Part 1:– 800 meter jog (warmup)– 14×20 yard sprints (.15 rest)– 12×40 yard sprints (.25 rest)– 10×60 yard sprints (.35 rest)– 8×80 yard sprints (.45 rest)– 6×100 yard sprints (.55 rest)– 4×200 yard gassers (.75 rest)– 2×400 yard gassers (.95 rest)**gasser […]

Muscle Building Cardio Workout

1) Barbell squat (13 sets)– 405 (3 sets of 10) .25 between each set– 455 (3 sets of 8) .25 between each set– 505 (7 sets of 7) .25 between each set 2) Power bench stepups (8 sets)– 225 (3 sets 12 reps each leg) .30 rest– 275 (3 sets 10 reps each leg) .30 rest– 315 (5 sets 8 […]

Max Fat Burn HIIT

1) Hill sprints: 45 degree inclined sprint for 40 yards. Walk down. 15 reps 2) 10×40 yard sprints on football field (20 seconds rest between sprints) 3) 8×80 yard sprints (30 seconds rest) 4) 10×100 (45 seconds rest) 5) 4×200 yard gassers (sprint length of field and back, that’s one rep. 2 minutes rest

Home Office HIIT

Great little home office HIIT workout. Working in 45 second intervals. The rotation will be elliptical sprint, push-ups, elliptical, ab work. So you will do push-ups or the ab work listed for the 45 seconds. Drop to knees when hitting failure on push-ups. 1) regular push-ups2) elliptical sprint3) crunches4) close grip push-ups5) elliptical sprint6) crunches7) elliptical8) wide grip push-ups9) elliptical10) […]