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Back Workout

Single arm bent over DB row on a bench. 15 each armSuperset pull-ups 10 reps. Wide grip Heavy Seated Cable Row 6 reps, drop set lighter weight for 12 reps.Superset pull-ups 10 reps. Close grip Heavy Lat front Pulldown for 6 reps, superset lighter weight for 12. Superset pull-ups 10 reps. Wide grip Back Extensions with weighted plate for 15 […]

28 Method Leg Workout

7 normal reps7 slow reps up and down7 half reps from the top7 half reps from the bottom Squat: 28 method, 4 setsSingle leg lunges: 28 method, 4 sets each leg. (Keep front leg elevated on 45 plate or 2 -45plates).Leg curls: 28method, 4 setsLeg extensions: 28method, 4setsStanding calf raises: 28method, 4sets.Seated calf raises: 28 method.

5•4•3•2•1 Workout

•5 minutes•Perform each exercise for 1 minuteBody weight squatsFront kicksJumping jacksButt kickers •4minutes•Perform each exercise for 1 minute 2xWalking lungesSide lunges 30 seconds each leg. •3minutes•Perform each exercise for 1 minute2 xpush-upstricep dips •2minutes•Perform each exercise for 1 minuteBurpeesmountain climbers •1 minute•plank.

Tight BUM Workout

No equipment needed 50 Squats30 walking lunges each leg15 jump squats30 left side lunges30 right side lunges50 bridges {6-8 Rounds}

Weekend Workout

{30 seconds each exercise ,  Repeat circuit 3x } •Box jumps  •Alternating front kicks with squat  •Pulsing Squats •Dive bombers  •Plank jacks

20 min Elliptical  Hiit

By: FitMiss Chady {1 min sprint , 2 min recovery } Time               Resistance  0-5 min.              8  6-7.                      14 7-9.                      12 9-10.             […]

Perfect Booty workout

Warmup:  Treadmill: incline 10+ for 10min at 2.5 -3.0 speed.  •Step ups with a dumbbell: 12 each leg, (4 sets) 45 sec rest  •walking lunges with heavy dumbbells: 20 steps back & 20 forth, Superset with jump squats (bodyweight) for 15. (4 rounds.). 45 sec rest.   • Heavy Romanian deadlifts -15 each leg ,Superset with skater lunges 10 each […]

HI REP Legs & Glutes workout

Warmup on treadmill high incline for 5 min. speed 3.5-4.5 {Start lifting heavy & Drop weight 5lbs after every set} •Deep Squats 5 sets of 20  •Barbell Lunges 5 sets/20 each leg •Hamstring curls 5 sets of 20  •Leg extensions 5 sets of 20  •Glutes Cable kickbacks 5 sets/20 each leg.  •Standing calf raises 5 sets of 20

Chest and Tri’s

[Chest] (1)Dumbbell bench press 12  Superset with 10 push-ups. 4 sets  (2) Cable crossover 10  Superset with 10 push-ups. 4 sets  (3)Incline bench press 12 Superset with 10 push-ups. 4 sets  [tri’s] (1)Close grip bench press 10, Superset tricep dips on bench till failure. 4sets  (2)Lying tricep extensions 12, Superset tricep dips on bench till failure. 4sets   (3) Rope […]

“Do it Anywhere” Body Movement Workout

20 squats 15  lunges each leg 10 high knees 10 push-ups {5 rounds} 15 jump squats 12 alternating jump lunges each leg 10 burpees 10 push-ups {5 rounds} 10 jump squats front and back 10 static lunges each leg 10 alternating front kicks each leg 10 push-ups 1 min wall sit (hands in front of you) {5 rounds}