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Shoulder Day

•Seated Heavy DB press 6-8 reps superset with DB lateral raises for 12. (Lighter weight), then drop set (lighter weight) lateral raises till failure. {5sets} •Heavy Barbell front raises for 8-10 reps, superset with DB lateral raises (lighter weight) till failure, drop set DB/Bar upright rows till failure. {5sets} •Single arm cable crossover lateral raise 12, Superset with single arm […]

HI REP Legs & Glutes workout

Warmup on treadmill high incline for 5 min. speed 3.5-4.5{Start lifting heavy & Drop weight 5lbs after every set}•Deep Squats 5 sets of 20•Barbell Lunges 5 sets/20 each leg •Hamstring curls 5 sets of 20•Leg extensions 5 sets of 20•Glutes Cable kickbacks 5 sets/20 each leg.•Standing calf raises 5 sets of 20

Chest workout

(1)Dumbbell bench press 12Superset with 10 push-ups. 5 sets(2) Cable crossover 10Superset with 10 push-ups. 5 sets(3)Incline bench press 12Superset with 10 push-ups. 5 sets 30 seconds sprints. 30 seconds rest. 10 min.


{30 seconds each exercise )Repeat circuit 3x }•Box jumps•Alternating front kicks with squat•Pulsing Squats•Dive bombers•Plank jacks

Back and Bi’s

Jump rope for 10 min. Wide grip lat pull down 5 x 12Lat pulldown under grip 5 x 12Single arm DB Row 5 x 12 each arm DB bicep curls 5 x 12Single concentrated bicep curl 5×12Bicep curl with barbell 5 x 12.Drop weight till 8-10Drop weight till failure. Jump rope for 10 min.

Better Half Workout

Smith Machine Squat 6 x 12Superset with jump squats 6 x 12•90 seconds sprint on treadmill incline 4-6. Cable reverse kick backs 6 x 12Superset with sumo squats 6 x 20•90 seconds sprint on treadmill incline 4-6. Bulgarian split squat 6 x 12Superset Seated calf raises 6 x 30•90 seconds sprint on treadmill incline 4-6. Lying hamstring curl 6 x […]

Super Back Workout

-Smith machine barbell row 15reps•Superset with hyper extensions with10lbs plate on your chest. Till failure{4 sets} -Bent over dumbbell rows 15repsSuperset with hyper extensions with10lbs plate on your chest. Till failure{4 sets} -Wide grip pulldown 12Superset with hyper extensions with10lbs plate on your chest. Till failure{4 sets} -Seated rowing 15Superset with hyper extensions with10lbs plate on your chest. Till failure{4 […]

Scuplt your Bi’s and tri’s

-Dumbbell bicep curls 4 x 12Superset tricep dips on bench till failure. {4sets}-Single concentrated bicep curl ,(4×12 Each arm) Superset tricep dips on bench till failure.-Bicep curl with weighted bar 4 x 10(Up for slow 4) ,Superset tricep dips on bench till failure.-Close grip bench press for 10, Superset tricep dips on bench till failure. {4sets}-Rope pulldown 12, Superset tricep […]

Booty POW & Shoulder Workout

•15 Lunge side lateral raise{6 sets} •15 squat shoulder press{6 sets} •15 step up with upright rows in each leg & arm. {6 sets} •15 wide stance squats with front dumbbell raise {6 sets}

Weekend Warrior

1) 4×25 ab wheels 2) 4×12 heavy reverse crunches with ankle straps to low pulley 3) 4×25 wipers hanging from chin-up bar 4) 4×15 reverse crunches ankles to chin-up bar 5) 5 sets of 3 part ab medley. 20 reps per part 6) 3×50 medicine ball twists