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Ultimate 2 Part Workout

Going to catch me? 😜
You’re going to need it!!

Ok all jokes aside, let’s get after this kids!!


Part 1:
– 800 meter jog (warmup)
– 14×20 yard sprints (.15 rest)
– 12×40 yard sprints (.25 rest)
– 10×60 yard sprints (.35 rest)
– 8×80 yard sprints (.45 rest)
– 6×100 yard sprints (.55 rest)
– 4×200 yard gassers (.75 rest)
– 2×400 yard gassers (.95 rest)
**gasser is running length of field and back (200 yards) 400 yard gasser is length of field and back twice

Part 2:
– 5×15 leg extension active warmup
– 4×15 leg press active warmup
– Barbell squat athletic stance (50% of 1 rep max) perform 100 reps to parallel in shortest time possible. Here is a tip, better off trying to do 10×10 with .45 seconds between sets, or 8×12, than trying to hit 15-20 reps your first set. Pace yourself, hitting failure too early will leave you completely gassed and lactic acid will totally shut you down. Trust me, this moron learned the hard way. Goal for first time is sub 12 minutes.
– With 35% of 1RM perform 20 barbell squats in athletic stance. When you rack the weight, 20 second rest clock starts. Then perform 15 reps. Rack weight, 20 second rest clock again. Then 10 reps, etc etc. down to 5 reps.
– Congrats, you are now officially a bad ass motherf$cker. Less than .1% of people will complete this as described and live to tell me about it.