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Daily Trainer – Thursday

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1) Tricep pushdowns 5×15
2) Close grip bench press 5×8
3) Inclined bench skull crushers, 8 reps wide grip, 8 reps regular grip (5 rounds)
4) using the double D ring with elbows flared tricep pushdowns 5×10 to hit lateral head. Go slow and controlled
5) Single armed rope kickback 5×20 each arm
6) Seated simultaneous dumbbell curls 5×17 each arm with elbows forward
7) DO same as above but with elbows back (think drag curl) light light weight, focus on contraction to generate the pump
8) Alternating hammer curs, Grab the weight at the bottom to overload forearm with stress. Slow controlled rep. I went no higher than 50’s, so go light and control each rep, 5×8 each arm
9) Double front bicep cable curls 5×15
10) 5 sets of 3 part ab medley