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Sodium Myth Busted

Time and time again I see or hear competitors talking about cutting all their sodium as they think sodium causes bloating. Well lets debunk this myth and in fact point out how cutting sodium/water in fact is hurting your physique. Aldosterone is a steroidal hormone and in short when aldosterone levels rise the subsequent result is water retention. The key factor in keeping aldosterone levels low is keeping your sodium and water intake high. When you cut water and sodium, aldosterone increases, vasopressin is released. Vasopressin is an antidiuretic hormone (ADH) a peptide hormone that is released by the body when salt and water levels drop in the body. It is essentially the bodies defense mechanism that takes over to protect imbalances of water and sodium in the blood. So cutting your sodium and water during peak week is doing your body a disservice. Ask any bodybuilder with half a brain with regard to science. You want to increase water/sodium intake the final week before a show to increase diuresis (flushing state). 2 days out someone my size should be at 3.5-4 gallons per day and 5-6000mg of sodium. The day before the show or shoot drop sodium but keep water very high. This will increase diuresis even more. Do not taper water and sodium which the body will recognize and release aldosterone. You abruptly cut the sodium and the body continues to flush without knowing what is happening. For breakfast the morning of pre judging you want to reintroduce sodium, carbs, fats via big breakfast, but just sips of water to swallow food. You will be bone dry at this point and as you carb up you will see yourself fill out, abs popping, vascularity increasing and muscle fullness looking ridiculous. Science > broscience