Not Seeing The Results You Desire?

Not seeing the results you desire?
Chances are your post workout supplementation is the issue….
We do not grow in the gym, we grow outside of the gym in recovery from resistance training.
However just taking a protein shake is not nearly enough to maximize lean muscle growth via mTOR activation and limiting myostatin function…
Leucine Stimulates Post-workout Anabolism:
-The consumption of leucine is one of the more effective ways to reverse exercise-induced protein degradation in muscle. Leucine intake has been shown to directly stimulate muscle protein synthesis and inhibit muscle protein breakdown, ultimately promoting muscle growth by activating the nutrient-sensing molecule mTOR.
Creatine Monohydrate Boosts Muscle Energy, Size and Strength:
-The unique capacity of creatine to boost size and power stems, in part, from creatine’s ability to function as a primary energy storage molecule that rapidly reverses the depletion of muscle cell energy (ATP) during muscular contraction. The maintenance of energy levels in the muscle cell prolongs the capacity for muscular contraction, promoting superior exercise performance and greater muscle growth.
Combining Leucine With Creatine Monohydrate Limits Myostatin Function:
-The muscle-depleting molecule myostatin vigorously thwarts muscle growth by blocking several key anabolic processes, such as the formation of new muscle fibers10 and mTOR-driven muscle protein synthesis.11 Because of the extraordinary capacity of myostatin to keep muscle growth in check, the slightest reduction in myostatin activity will generate notable gains in muscle growth.