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Bicep Training Tip

Building biceps training tip:

Seated simultaneous and alternating dumbbell curls using the @fatgripz and uppercut finishing technique.
Uppercut technique: No it is not a technical term, just what I call it because it gives an easy visual when being verbally described. Anyways, the slight uppercut move at the top of the rep places added stress on the long head of the biceps.
@fatgripz: When you use Fat Gripz, you engage your hands and forearms more than with a regular bar. Charles Sherrington, neurophysiologist and Nobel laureate, states that the harder a muscle works, the more its neighboring muscles are activated – amplifying their strength. So that means by working your hands and forearms harder, you’re increasing the muscle activation – and strengthening your upper arms, shoulders, chest and back.

That’s not all. Just holding the Fat Gripz on the bar is a completely difference experience to holding a regular bar. Your hands, forearms and upper arms are forced to work harder, helping to increase their strength and size.