Tips for building a bad ass back:
1) Stop wearing a belt did things like squats and deadlifts. Unless of course you are a powerlifter. I see so many guys, mp competitors in particular with underdeveloped erector muscles (the two muscles in your lower back that connect into your glutes) because they constantly wear a belt when training. I can 100% attest the thickness of my abs and lower back dev. to years of squatting and training without a belt. Force your core to engage and work!!
2) Heavy underhanded and overhanded barbell rows!! Great for developing thickness and width. Your back is arguably the strongest group of muscles in the body, meaning they need to be trained harder and heavier than the rest!!
3) Stop performing traditional lat pull downs using the pronated grip in the picture lol. They are bio mechanically inefficient, and murder on the rotator cuffs! The lats have 160 degrees of range of motion when worked in the sagittal (front to back plane). To do this you need your palms facing you. Turning the palms away from you is working in the transverse plane with only 60-80 degrees rom. Not to mention without the biceps being activated your weak little elbow extensors take on the brunt of the stress and end up giving out before the Lars do. Have lifters or tennis elbow? This is prob the reason why.
4) When performing rowing movements you are meant to pull first contracting the scapula activating the rhomboids before then pulling with the hands. Is the middle of your back under developed? Are you just pulling in one motion? Try doing hammer strength or cable rows in two parts. First contract the rhomboids pinning your scapula together, then pull with the hands. You will need to use lighter weight and focus on each rep to break years of incurrent habits, but after even one set you will feel a pump in a region that was once dormant to you 👊🏾