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Max Fat Burn HIIT

✋ I fully admit I did not want to do this today. Fully admit the stress of the week, the extra hours, the travel, left a whooping on my energy levels this afternoon, after my lifting session this morning.

I fully admit I threw myself a 4 minute pity party allowing mental weakness to infect my mind and lead me to believe it was ok to skip my conditioning session as planned….

However, mentally checking out in moments of weakness creates a pattern of conditioned response.
So the next time you are infected with a moment of weakness, you have already established a pattern of checking out, when winners need to mentally check in!!!

Mentally checked in ✅

1) 800 meter jog

2) High knees jump rope 45 seconds, jog 40 yards, sprint back. (8 reps)

3) Boxer skip jump rope 45 seconds, jog 50 yards sprint back. (8 reps)

4) 100 yards walking lunge, jog back to start. (8 reps)

5) 800 meter sprint/jog (sprint the curves, jog straightaway, 2 laps)