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Track Workout

No I don’t want to do this shit. I don’t need to be here. No one else is….

That’s right, no one else. Stop worrying about what others do. They do not matter. When you compare yourself to others you give yourself a false sense of security because why, you outworked people of inferior mental strength? Inferior work ethic. F that. That’s a losers mentality. Challenge yourself to improve everyday. Force yourself to put in the work when the mind and body say no. You cannot compare yourself to the competition. What happens when you sit atop the mountain and there is no competition but the masses below you? The answer is you will become lazy, you will get your ass knockoff off and deservedly so…Your competition is the man you were yesterday. If you can best him everyday then success is guaranteed…


Track workout

1) Sprint 50 meters, then jog the remaining 50 meters. 25 seconds rest (10 reps)

2) Sprint 75 meters, jog remaining 25, 35 seconds rest (10 reps)

3) Sprint 100 meters, 45 seconds rest (10 reps)
