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Chest Challenge Sub 60 Minutes

**Posted video on website two weeks ago demonstratingan exercise listed below many of you have not done. Refer to video glossary at

1) Active warmup 5×20 cable fly

2) Low inclined bench dumbbell press. 2 warmup sets of 8 reps.
*** Start the clock, choose a weight you can easily get 12 reps on presses with.
** You have 18 minutes to hit 150 reps. For example I used 100 pound Dumbbells and hit 12 sets of 12 reps in just under 18 minutes. I did 15 reps my first two sets to ensure I would hit 150 reps in under 18 minutes.

3) With the clock still running, raise the incline on the bench to a 45 degree angle. Using the same weight perform 6 slow reps, slow on the negative for about a 3 count, slow on the positive for a 3 count. Focus on the contraction, ignore being tired, you GROW by squeezing a muscle not just doing reps… .30 seconds rest, 5 sets. (12 minutes)

4) Perform an inclined bench chest fly (eccentric movement, into a slow close grip press (concentric movement) , elbows flared squeezing your chest as you slow press (see video on website for example) 8 reps. Then immediately drop to the floor and hit 12 clap push-ups. You have 14 minutes to complete this superset 6 times.

5) Hi to low cable flies 15 reps focusing on contacting the chest each rep. Drop to floor and do 20 push-ups with diamond grip. Count 10 seconds, do 10 more reps. Count to 15, repeat. Do this superset 6 times through

6) Throw up and or have aneurysm