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1,000 Rep Workout – 3

*Complete each 100 reps in as a few a sets as possible then move onto the next exercise. 

*Goal time is 41-60 minutes

1) 100 pushups (use knees if needed)

2) 100 assisted chinups

3) 100 Squats with bar on shoulders

4) 100 Dumbell lateral raises

5) 100 Dumbell shoulder press

6) 100 Strait bar curls

7) 100 Bench dips

8) 100 Regular dips

9) 100 Decline bench situps

10) 100 Leg raises with stability ball between ankles (Lay flat on floor and hands behind head)

GOODLUCK!!!!! Those of you with heart rate monitors record your calories burned and your time. BEAT IT NEXT WEEK!!!