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Are you training the muscle or training the exercise??

#405islightasfuck #musclescience

•Now let me state neither of these examples is wrong. One is more beneficial for being good at and building strength in the exercise while the other is more optimal for building muscle.

•First example: This is how I did a lot of my compound lifts when playing and training for football. Moving heavy weights with explosion. Focus was power in the given movement as it relates to on forms function. Notice there is zero resistance on the eccentric movement, no pause at bottom and using momentum to come out of the hole. Every ass to grass squat I see has hip drop and momentum out of the hole. Great for powerlifting/ Olympic lifting. Not ideal for muscle growth.

•Example 2: Controlled eccentric movement, pause in the hole and explode up using no momentum. Now if you are an example 1 squatter, you may need to reduce weight at first when moving to example 2, however it won’t take very long before you are as strong if not stronger doing it this way. Truthfully I can 3 rep 600 pounds easier doing it this way than I can doing it the first way. It’s also a lot safer.