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Oh My Quad

I call this exercise “Oh My Quad (god)”

✳️ Heels elevated and touching, toes out quad squat (use 25 pound plate)

✳️ Athletic stance power squat.

Pay attention: The rep pairing is important.

Set 1: 25/10

Set 2: 20/8

Set 3: 15/6

Set 4: 10/4

Set 5: 8/2

So my sets looked like the following.

Set 1: 225×25, 495×10

Set 2: 275×20, 495×8

Set 3: 315×15, 495×6

Set 4: 315×10, 495×4

Set 5: 315×8 ,  495×2

✳️ 2 minutes rest after each set. Expect cramping, light quad stretching prevents that.