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Booty Builder 411

Ladies, trying to build your butt without overtraining your quads?? Try this booty builder workout

1) Reverse heavy hack squat with wide stance toes pointed at 10 and 2. Contract glutes hard at top of rep. 6 sets 8-10 reps.

2) Heavy bench stepups 5×12 each leg, superset weighted waking lunge (elongate the step) 40 feet down and back (5 sets of both)

3) Heavy strait leg deadlift 8 reps, superset smith machine split squat, 10 reps each leg (5 sets of both)

4) Donkey single leg kickbacks 10 reps each leg, superset the bad girl machine (hip abductor) 12 reps, lean forward for greater contraction. (5 sets of both)

5) Hip thrust with heavy strait bar on lap 4 sets 12 reps