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Sunday Funday HIIT Workout

Simple little Sunday Funday HIIT conditioning workout:
Intermediate level & advanced for you guys 👊🏾
1) (active warmup)
•60 second jump rope
•Fast high knees for 10 seconds
•Jog it out for 20 yards, then lunge walk back 2 the start
(4 rounds)

2) (5 rounds)
•10 plyometric “high” squat jumps
•Sprint 30 yards, lunge walk back 2 start
(20 seconds rest)

3) (4 rounds)
•8 high squat jumps
•Drop 2 ground & do 25 crunches
•Jump up & sprint 10 yards, touch line, sprint back to start, touch line, then all out sprint for 50 yards…
(30 seconds rest)

4) (using speed chute)
•10×100 yard dash
(40 rest)

5) Curse Joe Donnelly the fyck out 😤