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Muscle Building Cardio Workout

1) Barbell squat (13 sets)
– 405 (3 sets of 10) .25 between each set
– 455 (3 sets of 8) .25 between each set
– 505 (7 sets of 7) .25 between each set

2) Power bench stepups (8 sets)
– 225 (3 sets 12 reps each leg) .30 rest
– 275 (3 sets 10 reps each leg) .30 rest
– 315 (5 sets 8 reps each leg) .30 rest

3) Hang cleans (10 sets)
– 225 (5 sets of 8) .30 rest
– 275 (5 sets of 5) .30 rest

So this young man stops me after my leg workout and says “You’re a fucking beast bro, I’ve never seen anyone push weight like that without rest periods. But I don’t get it, I’m watching you rep 10 plates on squat, set after set, over and over with nothing more than a few seconds rest, why don’t you just take a little more of breather and you can lift heavier?”

I thanked the young man for his compliment. However, the truth is this..If I wanted to be like everyone else than I would be do what they are doing.
Weight is just a trivial number to me. Whether I am squatting, 500,600 or 700, I could care less. Been there and done that all before I was 20. I am trying to push myself each day beyond my limits, beyond everything my body and mind can endure. A lot of people take pride in being strong, and I respect their hard work. For me, I want to see how strong I am, when I can’t breathe, when my vision gets blurry, when my hearing becomes muted, when I feel like I’m about to faint. It is in these moments where my heart, my will, my desire to succeed is tested. Am I going to have the nuts to step under that bar and squat one more set of 500 or do another set of power stepups at 315 knowing I am on the verge of collapsing.

Pain, weakness and fear like happiness and sadness are fictitious mental states meaning they exist only in the mind and thusly they can be controlled and or ignored. The body is going to send the mind signals to quit long before its true capacity has been reached. It is your job to ignore these signals and truly test your will, your character, to REDEFINE YOUR LIMITS!!