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FitMiss Shoulders and Abs

By: FitMiss Chady

5 sets of 15

•dumbbell lateral raises

•dumbbell Arnold press

•dumbbell shoulder press

Abs: 40 reps each (1 set)

•gym ball crunches holding 10lb plate

•Side to side twist holding 10lb plate

•Leg lifts holding gym ball between ankles (don’t let ball touch floor) 15-20reps.

5 sets of 15

•single arm cable front raises

•single arm cable lateral raises

•cable upright rows

Abs: 40 reps each (1set)

•gym ball crunches holding 10lb plate

•Side to side twist holding 10lb plate

•Leg lifts holding gym ball between ankles (don’t let ball touch floor) 15-20reps.