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Stubborn Calf Medley

Are calves genetically a tough body part to develop for you? It is for many but don’t worry, there is hope that you can wear shorts in the summer and not be embarrassed.
Calves can be trained just about everyday. I highly recommend starting each workout regardless of its chest day, back day or leg day, start with this superset.
1. On the standing calf raise do 10 slow reps. Hold each rep at the for a 2 count and at the bottom hold the deep stretch for a 1-2 count. As you press up anytime you do a calf raise think of pressing up on your big toes. You will feel a much deeper and fuller contraction 👊🏾
2. After the 10 reps on the standing calf raise, jump down on the floor and do 10 quick reps on the floor, again pressing up on the big toe. This is one round. Immediately jump back on the standing calf raise and repeat. Do 10 total rounds. Takes about 9 minutes total. Go light on the standing calf raise so you can hold each contraction at the top and also your calves are going to be on fire by round 5, so remove the ego and go lighter. Good luck 👊🏾🍔