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Small Meal Myth Busted

“But my coach and trainer said it increases metabolism” 🙄🙄🙄
Your coach & trainer are morons that were too lazy to get an education and find real jobs… #Repost @mindpumpsal
Boom fuckers. Another nail in the coffin for the myth of eating small meals.

Not only is eating super frequently a waste of time…doesn’t build more muscle…doesn’t burn more fat…doesn’t improve athletic performance. It also has now been shown to be BAD FOR YOU!!! Previous studies have shown an inflammatory effect…this study is worse.. This study ( demonstrated that eating very frequently increased intrahepatic triglycerides (liver fat) MORE THAN simply eating more calories or sugars or fats.
In other words eating super frequently (5+ meals a day) ALL BY ITSELF is not healthy. By the way it’s currently being established that its intrahepatic triglycerides that are the REAL problem with obesity…causing major health issues. In fact if you are lean but have high levels of intrahepatic triglycerides your chances of getting diabetes and other major health problems are very high…it’s worse than visceral fat.
Of course the supplement companies LOVE promoting small meals…it means they can sell protein powders and bars since carrying around 5+ meals is an ultra inconvenient pain in the ass.
AGAIN these supplement company assholes and their sponsored athletes are giving HORRIBLE advice…literally making people less healthy!!! If your favorite athlete is telling you to eat small meals all day please inform them how wrong they are.
By the way…fasting, when done properly, is EXTREMELY healthy…the key term here is PROPERLY.
Check out out fasting guide at or click on the link in my bio @mindpumpsal