Paramedic Workout
Maybe it’s my fault..
That you didn’t see the sunrise workouts, and the midnight runs…
That when you cut corners, I trudged my own path.
That when you were handed opportunities, I created my own.
Maybe it’s my fault you took your gifts for granted, and I worked to make yours irrelevant.
Maybe it’s my fault that when you reminded everyone of the accomplishments of yesterday, I prepared for my successes of tomorrow..
Maybe it’s my fault you thought success is something you achieve and not your daily attitude…
Or maybe you are just full of excuses…
The paramedic run. We used to do these in high school and during the summers to get ready for football season. Basically we went nonstop until someone in the group fell out, and I don’t mean as in tired, I mean fell out as in call the paramedics…
1) – 100 meter sprint
– Turn around and lunge 100 meters, back to original start. This is one rep. (No rest) 8 reps
– Lunge 50 meters, sprint 50. Turn around, lunge 50, sprint 50. This is one rep. (No rest) 8 reps
– Jog the straightaway on track, sprint the curve. One mile. No rest. ✅
If you aren’t Redefining the Limits of your life each and everyday, ask yourself why…. Then push beyond your comfort zone and attack your personal fears… For every thing you want lies on the other side of fear…
Be great-JD