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Outdoor Advanced Sprint/Hill Workout

Here was my 4:25 am Sprint/HIIT workout

1) I ran up and down the bleachers on the football field 35 times. I started with a walk and as I got warmed up I began to jog until I broke a sweat then I was bounding up them. This is my active warmup

2) Starting on the end line of the football field I sprinted 40 yards at 80%, slow jogged back. Thats 1 rep, total of 10 reps.

3) Did the same thing above but at 60 yards

4) Now running endline to end line 100 yard sprints at 90%, slow job back in under 30 seconds. 10 reps

5) Finisher. 25 yard sprints rapid fire. Put hand on the line and sprint all out for 25 yards, about 8-10 steps. Turn right around and repeat. These arent far sprints so we go rapid fire no rest. 20 reps

6) Buffalo runs. Running the width of the field and back twice. SO 50 yards across, 50 back, 50 across, 50 back. This is one rep. 2 mins rest. 4 total reps

Don’t complain about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do. Grow a pair and man or woman the FUCK UP!!!!!