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I call it the fuck the wall move cause most girls learned it from their favorite IG phony fitness hoe.

•Stop pressing your hips forward as if squeezing your glutes at the top of the squat is doing anything.

•It’s not and here is why. THERE IS ZERO HORIZONTAL RESISTANCE!!!

•If you want to get technical with the biomechanics of it, by pressing your hips forward you are actually reducing tension on the glues because you are now taking your upper torso, spine, tailbone, hips and throwing them all into alignment thusly reducing muscle tension as it is now displaced onto muscular structure.

•Squat and leave your ass out of it slightly at the top. When I do the fuck the wall versus proper squat in the second clip I feel a dramatic difference in glute activation and pump, that’s cause I actually have muscular glutes. You would too if you followed some basic science not some undereducated ifbb shredz instahoe.

•If you really want to up your glute game, doing kneee squats on the smith machine with a black or purple TDX resistance band providing the Lateral load needed for max glute activation. (

•A little intelligence + intensity goes a long way people. Be a thinker not a fitness stinker 🙊🙊 #musclescience #squats #instahoes #dumbaf #shittyrepsshittymuscles