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How To Squat Properly

EVERYONE WATCH AND LEARN!! because every fucking day I see people bouncing out of the hole bragging about ass to grass nonsense. If you are a power lifter, great that’s how you squat, bounce out of hole and move the weight. If you are trying to build muscle, watch and learn…

#Repost @austincurrent_


Execution Series for Hypertrophy

❌ does not brace core, starts the movement while pelvis is still under anterior pelvic tilt (booty-pop)

❌ spine is not neutral – anterior pelvic tilt and lack of core stability

❌ lacks control in the eccentric phase of the movement – leaves a lot of muscle damage potential on the table – just “drops into the hole”

❌ relies on momentum out of the hole (bottom) to propel the rest of the way back up.

❌ does not stay in active range – loss of tension in the quads/glutes until half way through the concentric

✅ braces core, engages glutes, neutralizes spine

✅ full control of load throughout the eccentric and is creating a lot of tension in quads/glutes/hams

✅ no bounce or momentum generated out of the bottom – maintains good isometric pause and pushes through the floor to go up

✅ maintains neutral spine, braced core, and stability throughout the entire ROM.

The form labeled ❌ is form I have seen in the past few weeks. The form labeled ✅ is how I would teach the movement to be performed.