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1)75 stadium step sprints. (try to do 15-20 hard depending on your conditioning, then walk 1-2 to catch your breath, key is to stay moving)

2) 5×100 yard sprints (30 seconds rest between each sprint)

3) 5×80 yard sprints (30 seconds rest between each sprint)

4) 10×60 yard sprints (20 seconds between each sprint)

5) 20×40 yard sprints (15 seconds between each sprint)

If you survive this

1) 4 buffaloes. A buffalo is running accross the width of the football field, touching the line and sprinting back, touching the line and sprinting accross again, touch line and sprint back accross to starting point for finish. This is one rep. 2 mins rest. 4 total reps

2) 8x half buffaloes (sprint the width of the field, touch the line and back) 1 minute rest, 8 total reps