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1) 20 sets of bleacher steps (walking, skipping step, warmup)

2) 25 sets of bleacher runs (alternate skipping a step and doing every step)

3) On the football field we are going to run sideline to sideline (thats the width people) Run accross and back, plop down on the ground, feet up in the air and touch your toes (crunches) for 20 reps. Get back up and run accross and back. The adbominal work on the ground is your recover, ie actove recovery. Accross and back is one rep with the 20 crunch toe touches. We will do 10 reps. SO thats across and back 10 times and a total of 200 crunches. Got it?

4) Now standing on the goal line get on all fours and do 20 mountain climbers fast, then run to the middle of the field (50 yards) get in a squat stance, hands clasped over head and do 25 standing squats. Then run to the other goal line and get back on all fours to repeat mountain climbers. Do this for 10 total reps.

5) Standing again on the goal line sprint full length of the field (100 yards) 30 seconds rest and sprint back. Each time accross is one rep. 12 total reps.

6) 30 yard sprints rapid fire. starting on the goal line sprint 30 yards, turn around and sprint back. No rest here. You will be gasping for air rather quick and legs on fire. Thats the idea. minimum 10 reps. push for 16-20.

7) Cooldown: 30 sets of bleacher walks