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High Volume Advanced NFL Workout

Ok here is the Biceps/Triceps and shoulders workout we put the NFL guys through earlier.

Now let me stress this is beyond advanced. 95% of people cannot handle this volume or have the stamina to do so. Work to your limits. Do not hurt yourself

*Everything is done back to back to back. Only rest is going one exercise to the next or switching weights.

1) High volume warmup

-Pushups with elbows in tight working triceps (25 reps)

-Dips 25 reps

-Chinups 15 reps

*This is all one set. (4 sets total) for you math majors thats 12 sets)

2) 3 part superset

-Close grip bench press heavy 10-12 reps

-Strait bar curls 12 reps

-Bench dips 40 reps

* This is all one set (5 total sets)

3) 4 part superset

-EZ bar curls 6 reps reg speed, 6 reps slow

-Bench dips with heavy weight on lap 20 reps

-Inclined bench dumbell curls 20 reps

-Tricep pushdowns 25 reps

*This is one set (4 total sets)

4) 4 part superset

-Single armed cable front raise 15 reps each arm

-Dumbell lateral raise 20 reps

-Machine shoulder press 20 reps

*This is one set (4 sets total)

5) 4 part superset

-Machine preacher curls 21 method

-Bodyweight skull crushers til failure

-Cable rear delt flies 15 reps

-Dumbell shrugs 75 reps

*This is one set (4 total sets)

6) 2 part superset for abs

-Hanging from chinup bar do toes to bar 15 reps

-Hanging from chinup bar with legs higher than head wipers side to side for 30 reps

*This is one set (4 sets total)