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Game Changer Chest Workout

1) hi to low cable fly 5×20 (not pictured)

2) Heavy hammer strength chest press (pictured)

– 2 sets of 12
– 2 sets of 10
– 2 sets of 8
– 1 set of 6, then immediate dropset of 8 reps, then another immediate dropset until failure

3) Inclined dumbbell power press (alternating) pictured below
– 4 sets 10 reps
– Superset 20 clap push-ups

4) pictured below
– inclined bench chest flies with neutral grip, deep stretch 10 reps
– superset close grip lockouts off bench or floor until failure
(5 sets)

5) low to high cable fly (pictured below) start with handles at front of thigh, do not let your hands go behind you, thus allows you to use momentum

– 5 sets 15 reps