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Delt Destroyer

“Delt Destroyer”

There are multiple reasons your medial and rear delts look like complete shit.
One is that you do way too many dumbbell movements, focusing on weight rather than execution and activation.
Cables are significantly superior for a variety of reasons listed below!

One of the major reasons for lagging Medial Delts is their terrible profiles in the traditional dumbbell Lateral. —————————————————————
Sure, maybe you like the exercise. That’s all well and good. But, sometimes there is a fine line between what you like and what works for your structure, mechanics, and results. —————————————————————
I prefer cables for any lateral raise targeting the Medial Delts for a number of reasons. 
1. You can change the profile easily by stepping forward or back. 
2. The drag in the cable offers more consistent opportunity for tension throughout all ranges 
3. If getting a pump is a goal of yours, you can easily exhaust all ranges of the lateral without dropping weight and overloading every part of the exercise as some point. —————————————————————
In my video I do just that. Make note that although there may be some extra “flavor” of movement here and there, my upper arm is always in line with cable and my Medial Delts match the line of force at all times.