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Booty Blaster

1) 5×20 leg extensions (warm up)

2) Reverse facing hack squat. Feet wide, toes pointed out at 10 and 2. I want you to slow press each rep. Meaning as you press up, you press up slow to a 4 count, while you are slow pressing up you contract your glutes as hard as you can for those 4 seconds. 5 sets 10 reps

3) Barbell squats. 5 sets 8 reps. Go down to parallel. Pause for a two count, then do exactly same slow press, glute squeeze concept as above.

4) Stiff legged deadlifts 5 sets 8 reps. Use the slow squeeze method described in #25) 4 sets 15 reps on the bad girl machine (the hip abductor) where you push out with your thighs contracting the glutes, lean forward to get greater contraction