1500 Rep Workout – 1
Choose 1 For Saturday Daily Trainer:
1500 Rep Workout
Complete each 150 reps in as few sets as possible in as little time as possible..
1) 150 bodyweight squats
2) 150 pushups (use knees if needed)
3) 150 ab wheels
4) 150 lateral raises with bands or light dumbells
5) 150 assisted chinups
6) 150 low box jumps, think speed
7) 150 regular dips or bench dips
8) 150 plate curls, use a 10, 25, 35 or 45 pound plate with both hands
9) 150 lunges, 75 each leg
10) 150 burpees
20 Deadmill Sprints
1,000 Rep Workout
*Complete each 100 reps in as a few a sets as possible then move onto the next exercise.
*Goal time is 41-60 minutes
Weighted pull-ups-100 reps
Weighted dips-100 reps
Squats (95-135 lbs)-100 reps
Toes 2 bars-100 reps
Ring pull-ups-100 reps
Ab wheels-100 reps
Bodyweight skulls-100 reps
Pop ups-100 reps
(start on your knees & jump in to a squat position)
Bench Dips but in rings-100 reps
Push-ups with plate on your back-100 reps
GOODLUCK!!!!! Those of you with heart rate monitors record your calories burned and your time. BEAT IT NEXT WEEK!!!